The CBI filed a closure report on Monday, telling the Bombay High Court that their investigation into the murder of rationalist Narendra Dabholkar was over. The Bombay High Court had asked the CBI to inform within three weeks whether the investigation into Dabholkar's murder had been completed. The closure report was filed on Monday. A bench of Justices Ajay S Gadkari and Prakash D Naik gave three weeks' time to the Central Bureau of Investigation to inform the court so that it could decide whether to continue with the trial. The court was hearing a petition filed by Mukta Dabholkar, daughter of Narendra Dabholkar, seeking a continuation of the Bombay High Court's monitoring of the case. Dabholkar, 67, was shot dead in August 2013 in Pune. The Pune Police initially probed the murder but the case was handed over to the CBI in 2014 following a court order. The CBI told the court that it had completed the investigation into the murder of Dabholkar and the investigating o...
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